Thursday, September 29, 2011

-Assignment 4, Will Day

Emily Hurst - Assignment 4

Kellie Steinbeigle -Assignment 4

Assignment 4 - Stephanie Leonard EDITED

 New version (basically redone):
Old version:

Assignment 4 - Claire Benson

I still need to render the dress. :(   :P  :o(

Assignment 4 - Hana Lee

the next one is a re-do. added more highlights here and there. And, also lighten the shadow.

multiply the cat x4

assignment 4, Alyssa Barker

Assignment 4 - Ashleigh Gillen

Assignment 3, Alycia Call

Assignment 4, Melissa Crowton

Assignment 4 - Brygn Ellwanger

Assignment 4- Garrett Hoyos

Assignment 4 - Alison Johnstun

Assignment 4 - Mitchell Ellis

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Assignment 3 -Alycia Garrett

Don't look at the date because I originally posted this with my black and white one from last week, so I am just getting around to re-posting it the correct way.

Assignment 3, Stephanie Leonard - EDITED

Newer version:

Older version:  basically nothing done :P

Assignment 3 - Ashleigh Gillen

Alyssa Barker-Assignment 3

Assignment 3, Claire Benson

Assignment 3, Melissa Crowton

- Assignment 3, Will Day

Assignment 3 - Emily Hurst

Assignment 3- Garrett Hoyos

Assignment 3 - Brygn Ellwanger

Assignment 3 - Hana Lee

 i am still working on the carriage part... will post an updated one as soooon as possible :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Assignment 2.2, Melissa Crowton

Assignment 2.2 - Brygn Ellwanger

Bad Foxxy Momma

Assignment 2.2, Alycia Call

-Assignment 2.2 Will Day

Assignment 2.2 - Ashleigh Gillen

Stephanie Leonard - Assignment 2.2 EDITED

Old version:

Emily Hurst - Assignment 2.2

Claire Benson - Assignment 2.2

Hana Lee - Assignment 2.2

only the cat part redone.

Assignment 2.2 - Garrett Hoyos

 First Attempt
2nd Attempt

Assignment 2.2 - Mitchell Ellis