Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Assignment 7, Kellie Steinbeigle

Sorry! The reason it isn't finished is because I changed my mind about the comp and had to redraw and switch everything around... :(
and after all that... I might still like the original comp better. Ai ai!

Assignment 7 - Stephanie Leonard

Emily Hurst - Assignment 7

It needs a little more detail work.

Assignment 7, Alycia Call

Assignment 7 - Ashleigh Gillen

Garrett Hoyos- Assignment 7

Assignment 7, Kellie Steinbeigle,

Enviornments Final Pass - Will Day

Assignment 7- Alyssa Barker

Assignment 7- Alison Johnstun

Claire Benson, Assignment 7

Melissa Crowton, Assignment 7

Mitchell Ellis - Assignment 7

Alycia Garrett - Assignment 7

Brygn Ellwanger - Assignment 7

Monday, November 7, 2011

Assignment 7 - Stephanie Leonard

Sorry, I was sick last class and didn't realize we were supposed to post our sketches online.  Here are some color sketches I made.